This past week another morally lost teen entered a gun free zone and took the lives of a number of children and adults. Almost as quickly, the political elite rushed to the cameras and microphones to remove the rights of law-abiding citizens. Somehow, “the Right to Keep and Bear Arms” has become the blame for every evil and illegal act reported on the news. The liberal progressive left believe more laws and less liberty the only solution to control America’s cultural collapse.
Gun bans prohibit the average citizen’s ability to defend life and limb and have not saved human life. History shows that government control of guns has brought about the deaths of millions. Government gun confiscation in North Korea has aided in the government murder of more than a million in Kim Jong-un’s collective paradise. Pol Pot left another 1.5 million dead in Cambodi’s killing fields. Seventeen million Jews, Slavs, Poles and Romani suffered similar fate not from their neighbors but by their deranged governments. The Utopian nations of Stalin and Mao were littered with as many as 70 million dead citizens.
Guns are not the problem but rather perceived victimization, reduced morality and the decline in the value of life. The mass murder of children in the womb certainly reduces the value of children in the classroom.
The immoral left scream that “assault weapons” have no place in Americans hands yet these same weapons that have been accused of terrorizing our nation have been accessible for decades. The AR-15 SP1 Sporter Rifle has been on the market since 1964. In the late 1950s, I remember advertisements in Popular Science and Popular Mechanics magazines selling WWII surplus semi-auto M-1 30 carbine rifles long before background checks and shipped directly through the mail. The semi-auto Colt M1911 has been in production for well over 100 years, the Browning High Power was first marketed in 1935 and the Baretta Model 92 since 1976 to name but a few. Those firearms are no more deadly today than they were when first marketed.
In the last 20 plus years we have seen a rise in the evil use of firearms targeting gun free zones where our most vulnerable citizens gather for school. Crimes committed by evil people are nothing new however the concept of mass shooters walking into schools was rare if not unheard of until very late in the last century.
At this point, we have to ask, ”if the type and availability of semi-auto firearms has not significantly changed in the last 50 to 100 years, What has changed?”
We know the change of humanity began in the days of Eden however it appears all indicators would show an exponential cultural decline in the last few decades. As we watch divorce rates skyrocketed, single parent households increased, pandemic mental illness, drug abuse and Covid isolation increased. Americans have lost interest in Faith and Church, they have lost respect for the sanctity of life and lost sight of a higher moral good. Today society encourages self-gratification, indulgence of self, a desire for attention, victim hood and individual need for a moment of fame.
Parenting skills have been replaced by television, cell phones, video games, day care and social media. We should put blame where blame is due, quit DE-prioritizing our kids and quit blaming guns for Americas cultural depravity.
Lastly until we resolve our cultural and social ills, we should harden our schools like our courtrooms; one way in and one way out, cameras and armed guards. If we can have six figure school superintendents, a half dozen vice-principals and sports facilities that rival the pros, surely, we can find the money to secure our classrooms and protect our children. It is all a matter of priorities. What is most important to us. Removing firearms will never be a cure. Evil will always find a way. Trucks filled with fertilizer, speeding cars in parade routes, pressure cooker bombs in crowded public events.
Terry Harper, Republican Party Chairman for Senate District 21
Terry, your message 05-29-2022 From the Right is spot on! Indeed, it is a matter of priorities for our nation - our state - to protect our schools. Guns are not to blame, it is the condition of the human heart that is to blame. It's time for school Marshals.