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From the Right 01-02-2022 Voting Integrity


On Sept 23 2021, Texas Secretary of State John Scot called for a full forensic audit of registered voters in four Texas Counties. The results of this audit were release on New Years Day, and were titled Texas Phase 1 Audit of the 2020 Election. The four counties audited were Collins, Tarrant, Harris and Dallas.

Of the 11.3 million votes cast in Texas in November 2020, more than 3.885 million came from these four counties. This audit was not to imply fraud or to point a finger at any given party but was to find where there was a potential for fraud with the intent of removing that potential. In the audit of these four counties, it was discovered that there was a very high probability of as many as

700,000 ineligible registered voters on record. Which would be nearly 20% of the votes cast. Of the 700,000 ineligible voter registrations, 257,778 were found to be deceased while nearly 12,000 were registered to non-citizens.

As a result of the audit, 224,585 of the deceased voters were removed from the rolls. And 2,327 non-citizen registrations were also removed. The majority of the non-citizen registrations were recorded in Dallas and Houston. For the record, I should note that it is illegal for foreign nationals to vote in Texas elections.

In December, SOS Chairman Scot explained his reasoning for the audit call. “ what we are trying to do is to make sure there is more confidence in the system, in election integrity.” Scot added, "I think this is one of the hopes of the audit, to show folks it is safe, secure and that Your vote does count when you cast it”.

While several counties took action promptly to determine their potential non-citizen matches, others did not begin their audit until late November. The SOS is now investigating the number of illegal voter registrations actually cast ballots. At this point it has been determined that 509 voters cast ballots in both Texas and another state, 67 ballots were cast using deceased voter registrations. Also in the audit, it was determined that all three of the four counties had discrepancies between their machine count and hand

count. The issues found in the first audit will be addressed in the second audit.

Each week I read through hundreds of news reports from many sources both Conservative and Liberal, many from sources both Domestic and Foreign. I do this because I am a news junkie and I like to gauge the political temperature of Americans and foreigners on many subjects.

One story of interest was the dropping of charges against Eva Warner, an Antifa member accused of assaulting Portland police officers in September of 2020. As many may remember, Portland erupted in riots that lasted months as the nation debated the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor.

Warner was arrested the first time for shining laser lights into officers eyes and arrested the second time for throwing fireworks, rocks, glass and other objects at police and for resisting arrest. The US DA for Oregon dismissed the charges with prejudice after Warner completed 30 hours of community service. With Prejudice means charges can not be refiled at a later date. I might mention that Warner is a transgender person formerly named Joshua and I wonder if this had any bearing in the DA dropping charges. In the liberal State of Oregon, I have difficulty in understanding their reasoning for not prosecuting looters and criminals who destroy both public and private property.

Another story of interest comes from a story in the Guardian, a British news source dated 01-02-2020. The story mentions a book called “The Steal” where citizen polls show that public violence can

sometimes be justified by 34% of those polled, 40% of Democrats polled agreed with the public violence thought. The same story also reference a 1990 poll where 90% said violence was never justified. The book declares that the US is closer to Civil War than many believe. The question is, Who would start a Civil War? Something to think about.

Terry Harper

State Republican Committeeman Senate District 21

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